Webinar Event Aug 29, 2022 8 Sep KDDI APAC Webinar 2022 "Ideal office features and ICT environment for New Working Style "

KDDI Asia Pacific


We will hold a webinar titled "KDDI APAC Webinar 2022".

After Covid-19, companies are beginning to introduce Hybrid Work that combines office work and remote work. KDDI group experts will explain ideal office and required features and review of ICT network environment for such a New Work Style with case studies. We hope this webinar will be help of middle & long term growth for productivity and security of your business.

This webinar is ended.

Outline of the Event

Date & Time8th Sep 2022
13:00 - 14:00 (SGT)
15:00 - 16:00 (SGT)
※Please note that this is Singapore Time
Event TypeWebinar
Entry FeeFree

日本語での開催を希望される場合、9月7日にウェビナーを予定しております。詳細はこちらopens in a new tab

KDDI Asia Pacific

Contactinfo@kddi.com.sgopens in a new tab


TimePIC / Content
00 - 05 (5min)

Kazunori Ikeda

Webinar Introduction

05 - 25 (20min)

Tetsuya Aisu

New work style after Covid-19
DX and case studies of KDDI

25 - 40 (15min)

John Francisco

Office features, about ABW and KDDI's interior business & case studies

40 - 50 (10min)


Recommended PC (Zero Trust) and network environment for new work style (WFH)

50 - 60 (10min)




KDDI Thailand LTD
愛須 哲也 / Tetsuya Aisu
Director of Engineer

KDDI Philippines Corporation
John Francisco
Senior Interior Designer

KDDI Asia Pacific
Andhika Nugrahatama
Presales Department

This webinar is ended.