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Business DX Business Consulting

Professional consultants to solve your business problems

Our specialized consultants address enterprises' operational issues based on knowledge and experience. We use IT technology to bring new business ideas to life.

We can solve problems such as the following:

Our in-house system is aging and we want to renew it, but we don't know what to start with.

The work of our long-time staff has become a black box, not understood by others.

We want to realize new business ideas using IT.

Business consulting proposal examples

Food manufacturing industry

Introduced various sensors to visualize information important for quality control in real time.


Quality variation due to cookers without timers and production instructions that relied on intuition


  • Installed control devices in cookers
  • Visualization of the entire factory by pressure, water level, temperature / humidity sensors

Machine parts manufacturing industry

Linked multiple systems with RPA


A huge amount of collation processing had been necessary due to the three legacy systems (non-linked) used in purchasing operations. Time required and human error were issues.


  • Created a new web-based system and made data collectively manageable
  • Dramatically reduced paperwork burden and human error using OCR and RPA

Medical device manufacturing industry

Person-to-person contact management and process visualization through beacons


It took time to identify people who had been in contact with others infected with COVID-19.


  • With badge-like beacons carried on workers' persons, close contact with others could be detected in real-time and past contacts could be checked.
  • Also used to analyze manufacturing line worker movement.

What is the best solution for your problem?
Please consult a KDDI consultant.